As we prepare ourselves for our first weekend at the New School of Nutritional Medicine, we know the timing is just right, the information, the curriculum is spot on and people are ready. Today in one of the tabloid newspapers in England, The Daily Mail known more as the Daily Fail, decided to share about the recent research published in the British Medical Journal.
Here is the conclusion...
"The findings from this large scale prospective cohort study suggest a potential direct association between higher artificial sweetener consumption (especially aspartame, acesulfame potassium, and sucralose) and increased cardiovascular disease risk. Artificial sweeteners are present in thousands of food and beverage brands worldwide, however they remain a controversial topic and are currently being re-evaluated by the European Food Safety Authority, the World Health Organisation, and other health agencies."
Here is the link to the original article
Aspartame is a toxin
Aspartame is one of the most widely used chemicals as an artificial sweetener worldwide.
ASPARTAME plays havoc with the microbiome…this in itself should be enough for the health agencies to make some radical changes but this will only change when people vote with their 'pockets'.
The nation has supposedly cut down on the sugar but replaced it with chemicals that impact an organ (the microbiome) in such a way that in itself can result in the metabolic syndrome pretty much leading to all manner of dis-eases such as heart dis-ease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimers, etc. We are 'replacing one dis-ease with several more'.
Aspartame itself can create an imbalance in the GABA - Glutamate balance. GABA is a calming neurotransmitter and glutamate is an excitatory one.
What sort of health issues can we see with an increase in aspartame intake?
- anxiety
- migraines
- gut issues
- aggravation of ADHD
- aggravation of ADD
- agression
- nervous system dis-eases like MS
Metabolism of aspartame can result in stimulation of what is known as at the NMDA receptors.
This can result in ‘excitatory’ behaviour or symptoms which further get stimulated by the action of glutamate in the body…so we have this supra stimulation 'thing going on' with the GABA-glutamate balance tipping over to the wrong side.
What about dementia and stroke and aspartame?
This article is worth a read
What about memory and oxidative stress on the brain and aspartame?
Here is another article
What about Multiple Sclerosis and aspartame?
Is it true that those who consume diet drinks have a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome and/or diabetes? Yet again here is another article.....
If your child's school science nutrition classes are not sharing this science, then it is not science, it is an out-dated school curriculum.
Is sugar better then?
The issue we have at hand is that people have become 'addicted' to fast food, to refined carbohydrates, to sugar. Fast food provides that 'quick' fix. But the healthy option is to slowly wean off these stimulants.
At the New School Of Nutritional Medicine we recognise this behaviour, we see it in clinic, that 'DIEt' culture, that vicious cycle, that 21st century 'speed'. This is where the integrated curriculum works the magic, the coaching skills are a vital part of this nutrition diploma course if we are to support our clients in this 'day and age'.
The science is out there, it just needs to be shared. At the New School our curriculum is science based. The science is shared in a practical format, with a focus on the learning style of our students.
Do you want to train as an integrated nutritional therapist?
We have blended in life coaching skills with nutritional medicine, the first 'alternative' training institute of this kind and we have included rapid relief homeopathy into our informative and exciting curriculum.
Fancy joining? Ready for a change? Ready to change lives?
This Integrated nutrition diploma course is:
A part time 2 year diploma course
One weekend a month
LIVE online for those out side a 75 mile radius of London
In person in London in the beautiful grounds of Regent's University
Fun, interactive, 21st century relevant, as well as rigorous
Preparing practitioners for what is to come in the world of medicine
The world needs 21st century practitioners!
From the team at The New School Of Nutritional Medicine
Learn about the Founder & Principal of the New School of Nutritional Medicine, Dr Khush Mark PhD HERE.