GLUTATHIONE. This 'fella' has become quite 'famous' amongst the world of nutritional medicine getting since the pandemic. Have you come across GLUTATHIONE?
Did you know it is the second most abundant ‘molecule’ in the body AFTER WATER?
Firstly YOUR body makes glutathione, it is that important that your body manufactures it.
Glutathione is the one of your body’s most powerful ANTI-OXIDANTS. This fella is so important as it ‘absorbs’ oxidation. Oxidation is the equivalent of rusting. We naturally have oxidation occurring in every cell, WHY? Because in order to produce our currency of energy called ATP, there are explosions of oxidation, more-so within every cell that houses the magic mitochondria.
We cannot produce ATP WITHOUT oxidation, so it is what it is, and therefore our body makes this fella which can help 'mop up' some of the oxidation.
Now if we have a lot of oxidation going on, such as from processed 'seed oils', junk foods, late nights, too much screen time, this fella can take quite a ‘hit’.
Glutathione is also absolutely vital for a healthy immune system
WHY? Because a healthy immune system will also produce oxidation, because it uses oxidation to ‘terminate’ ‘foreign invaders’ like a MICROBE, like a virus-infected cell.
Now if the glutathione is so occupied with the oxidation created inside the cell due to nutrient-poor food, it can only do so much. It can’t be in all places at the same time, actually, it can but it has to prioritise as to what is VITAL. And guess what? It is not to produce ENERGY…think about it.
When you ‘fall’ ill, say the flu, or this current microbe, your body can get wiped out, no energy, lethargy, you just want to curl up in bed…why? Because the body needs you to shut right down, so it can ‘go and do the healing’ and that healing means IMMUNE CELLS creating fireworks of oxidation.
This oxidation is vital, but too much oxidation is detrimental, so this fella, GLUTATHIONE puts on his cloak and starts to put out the oxidation. If we do not have enough glutathione, we can be ‘over-oxidised’ in parts.
Can you see the connection between some of the COVID symptoms and oxidation? ….Have you considered your glutathione levels?
So what else is this fella so famous for? Well, he is also known to be quite a hero in the detox arena. The phase 2 detox arena. Yes, think toxic metals like aluminium, mercury. think medications think hormones, think environmental pollutants. So one can be more susceptible if they do not have this fella close to their heart.
Glutathione does not detox just during spring or just before autumn, it detoxes 24-7. No rest for him.
Glutathione is made up from 3 so-called amino acids
And these amino acids come from food and these amino acids can also be made in the body as long as we are NOURISHING ourselves with some healthy good food.
To make glutathione we require something called METHYLATION, to get this METHYLATION thing in full swing we need Vitamins B6, Folate, B2, B12, minerals like zinc.
So can you see, it is not all about ‘taking VITAMIN D’ ….all nutrients are connected, nutrients do not show up in isolation in nature. Add GLUTATHIONE to that list, and the methylation factors to look after your health and wellbeing.
NO part of OUR biochemistry is ‘shut off’ from another part. The body just does not work that way. So can you imagine taking whole 'sack load' supplements without understanding why?
If you are on medications, they can deplete these VERY NUTRIENTS that are involved in the METHYLATION process. If you are on ant-acids they will deplete nutrients over time.
So imagine having a product put inside your body, somewhere the alarm bells will start to ring….they may ‘sound like’
– fever
– malaise
– headache
– rash
– allergic reaction
– weakness
– poor concentration
etc …..
Paracetamol also known as acetaminophen depletes glutathione, so why would we be giving this when our children have a fever? Surely we need that glutathione to support the immune system? Want to learn how you can support acute conditions such as fevers, colds, flus, cystitis, post-exercise aches etc? You can purchase the Foundation to Rapid Relief Homeopathy and we will be running a more advanced course late summer of 2024.
This is why GLUTATHIONE IS VITAL. It is quite popular amongst detox clinics to give it in IV form when someone has had ‘poisoning’…can you see why?
Eat your greens (and more) support your methylation and ‘be happy’. Bump up your foods that support glutathione synthesis in the body. These include; ‘ladies fingers (okra), avocado, broccoli, spinach, chives, onions, asparagus, Brussel sprouts (not just for Christmas), leeks, garlic, eggs, (think sulphur foods), radish, water cress, kale, organ meats, tomatoes, Brazil nuts many REAL foods to be enjoyed. FOOD IS MEDICINE.
Oh and this fella, GLUTATHIONE that never complains working 24-7 helps out vitamin E and Vitamin C…because these ‘guys’ get jaded (and glutathione ‘un-jades’ them by keeping them in their healthy active form which is the reduced form). Quite the hero.
We prefer the liposomal version of glutathione. But remember FOOD is KEY. If you want to learn more check out our mini-courses and webinars HERE.
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Once qualified you can also join the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) which is a well established and recognised mentoring and coaching body.
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From the team at The New School Of Nutritional Medicine
Learn about the Founder & Principal of the New School of Nutritional Medicine, Dr Khush Mark PhD HERE.