Chicken pox is known as a childhood illness and in naturopathy and homeopathy, childhood illnesses have a vital role in the development and education of the immune system. They do not occur by accident, the innate immune system and the acquired immune system need the exercise, the 'training' and the education.
Chicken pox is caused by a virus called varicella-zoster virus. This virus is a member of the herpes virus family. This same virus also causes shingles in adults. Chicken pox is highly infectious though generally a mild infection.
It can take two weeks following exposure before the chicken pox signs develop.
Chicken pox below the age of 8yr has been show to reduce the risk of atopic dermatitis (such as atopic eczema) and asthma. See article HERE.
Researchers have determined that those with a history of chicken pox infection have a 21% reduced risk of developing glioma brain cancer. See article HERE.
And HERE is another article that shows the benefits of ‘getting’ chicken pox.
Natural Immunity
If one can build natural immunity to such a virus, then why try and produce an artificial immunity which does not have life long immunity?
However, this infection can lie dormant and re-occur in later life as shingles (Herpes Zoster) in some people usually adults.
Remember chicken pox is spread to others by direct contact, by sneezing, mucous membranes, by diapers from the infected child. The scabs are not considered infectious.
The innate immune system is the first interface with the virus, not the acquired/adaptive immune system. If you missed our blog on the innate immune system, no worries, HERE is the LINK.
Chicken pox symptoms
Fever. feeling ‘under the weather’, followed by itchy blister-like rash. These blisters eventually dry up, crust over and form scabs. These blisters can appear on the scalp, trunk, armpits, in the mouth and on the eyelids. In children these infections tend to be mild and in adults can be more serious.
Symptoms tend to appear around 13-17 days following exposure and then last between 11-21 days.
So if you want to avoid your child from getting chicken pox form other children, an infected person can transmit chicken pox from 1-2 days before the rash appears to 6 days following the appearance of first blister.
Any serious issues you need to be aware of?
Aspirin is to be avoided in cases of chicken pox as aspirin is a salicylate drug which increases the risk of Reye’s Syndrome. And aspirin taken during chicken pox can increase the risk of Reye’s syndrome.
Here are some Rapid Relief Homeopathy tips for chicken pox.
Nosodes in Homeopathy
Firstly, in homeopathy we have something called nosodes. These are homeopathic remedies made from the ‘dis-eased’ tissue, in the case for a nosode for chicken pox the remedy is called Variolinum and is made from the lymph from the small pox pus. This can be given in 30c at the beginning of chicken pox along side the indicated homeopathic remedies. BUT, it does not mean this will prevent chicken pox, however, it can reduce the length and severity of chicken pox.
Dosing of variolinum: 30c day 1 one pill am and pm and repeat if necessary on day 7 one pill am and pm.
The two stages of chicken pox.
Key homeopathic remedies for the first stage
Cold, fever, general ‘under the weather’ feeling, runny nose before the rash appears.
NOTE: one does not need to give a remedy if the patient is not feeling unwell.

Aconite: Fever/symptoms come on suddenly, one moment was fine, next moment has runny nose, fever can be fearful/scared. Tend to feel worse in the evening and night time. Symptoms may have come on from cold dry wind. Feel better in open air and rest
Belladonna: Hot, red and burning. Very sensitive, especially to noise, light and touch. May have cold hands and feet but hot head. May have higher fever where they are delirious, hallucinate. Tend to feel worse for movement, noise, light, draft, at 3pm till post midnight. Feel better in a semi erect position, warmth, rest, standing, bending head back.
Pulsatilla: Weepy, likes sympathy. Tend to be chilly but wants window open, prefers open air. Thirst-less. Tend to feel worse in a warm stuffy room, evening, rest, sometime after eating. Feel better uncovering even though chilly, rubbing, pressure, lying with hands behind the head, open air and cold applications.
"avoid suppressing the spots with Calamine lotion as it can be drying and can hinder the clearing of the virus through the spots."
Key homeopathic remedies for the later ‘blister’ stage
This stage includes spots appear fever usually subsides at this stage. These liquid filled spots can be irritating and itchy HOWEVER, skin is a way of clearing out the toxins, so avoid
suppressing the spots with Calamine lotion as it can be drying and can hinder the clearing of the virus through the spots.
Add oatmeal to the bath water before bed time. Add a handful of oats into a sock and allow sock to sit in the bath water.
Apply some hypercal (hypericum and calendula) ointment to relieve the itching.
We have our free Seasonal Flu Guide which has tips on various immune nourishing foods, that are highly recommended during any illness when the immune system is under intense 'training'.
Rhus Tox: The blisters/vesicles have a yellow colour and intensely itchy and painful. Individual is very restless with continuous need to change position. Often on the right hand side. Thirsty for larger quantities of drink. Feel worse at night, drinking cold water, on beginning to move, rainy weather. Feel better for constantly moving, warmth, hot bath
Antimonium tart: There tends to be a cough with the rash. Rattly, loose cough. Skin spots are large and blue-ish. As one batch of spots clears up another fresh batch appears. As the rash appears the cough should subside which shows a positive healing response, moving from a vital organ to a less vital organ (inside-out). Blue-ish look to the face (due to mucus in lungs). Tend to feel worse for lying down at night, warm room. Feel better lying on right side, sitting upright, cold open air, bringing up mucus on coughing.
Antimonium crudum: Blisters release a golden yellow pus, burning and itching which is worse at night. Corners of mouth may be cracked. There is much belching and digestive symptom such as nausea or vomiting. They can either want food or avoid food. Do not want to be looked at or touched. Tongue is coated white. Feel worse if looked at, evening, from heat, cold bath. Better following a warm bath, open air and resting
Mercurius solubilis: Old cheese smell, from the nose, from the mouth. Ulcer like spots in the mouth. Glands can be swollen. Craves cold drinks, sweats easily but feel worse from sweating. There is a lot of itching, that is better for scratching and worse for warmth of the bed, and feel worse with drafts.
How to dose
Remember more is less, the key is to REST, allow the body to be in a parasympathetic state of mind. Sleep rest, hum, sing, read if possible. Drink fluids, add cell salts to fluids (see Seasonal Flu Guide).
30c potency is usually enough. Put one pill in a glass of water about 100ml, stir and take/give a teaspoon. Watch, monitor and repeat, stir that glass of water, give another teaspoon, watch, monitor and repeat. When symptoms improve/change stop the remedy and allow the body to heal.
For more details on what to look out for as a positive healing response to a homeopathic remedy, download our free seasonal flu guide.
Remember if ever in doubt, contact a qualified health professional.
To Wholeness!
From the team at the New School Of Nutritional Medicine
Learn about the Founder & Principal of the New School of Nutritional Medicine, Dr Khush Mark PhD HERE.