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What can you do if your child gets measles?

Updated: Jan 19, 2024

By Khush Mark

Some valuable information for parents/guardians on measles.

What is measles? It is a viral infection, and it is a so-called childhood disease. It is an acute disease which means it has a time limit, it comes and it goes in a short period of time. In homeopathy it is viewed that such a childhood disease is an opportunity for clearing out.

Incubation time: It can take between 10-14 days to develop after initial exposure. Exposure can be through coughing and sneezing and this virus is highly contagious. It’s incubation period is anywhere between 8-21 days BUT the infectious period 4 days before and 5-10 days after the appearance of the rash.


How does it present itself? Initially, measles looks like a standard cold with sneezing, catarrh from the nose and eyes, dry and short coughs which can seem violent. There will be a fever and measles will have the Koplik spots, which are tiny spots on the inside of the cheeks. These spots appear a couple of days before the measles rash. A blotchy rash will start behind the ears, spreading to over the face, neck, chest and then the trunk and limbs. This rash will have raised spots in the blotches. The Koplik spots will disappear at this stage. The time from the appearance of the rash takes about 24-48 hours and then it fades into a brownish colour. The rash will clear by the end of 7-10 days.

KEEP IN MIND EACH CHILD CAN EXPERIENCE MEASLES SLIGHTLY DIFFERENTLY. In other words, although the disease is the same etc, there will be some variations in the symptoms from child to child. There can be a puffy red face, swollen eyelids, eyelids stuck together due to catarrh, the child can be fearful, irritable, miserable, he/she may become sensitive to light (photophobia),

The child is well within a fortnight. Complications can occur if the disease is suppressed, such as with un-necessary medications, such as those that suppress the fever, antibiotics etc.

How to nurse your child: Ensure your child gets plenty of rest, sleep, avoid bright lights, plenty of fluids such as water, coconut water (not the sugar-laden type), broth, soups, favourite stories and movies.

Role of Vitamin A in Measles recovery

Vitamin A has shown to be useful in the management of measles, so Vitamin A (retinol) rich foods include, cold liver oil, liver, oil fish, milk, yoghourt, and eggs. Also minerals in the form of homeopathic tissue salts, and the two tissue salts key at this time as soon as the symptoms come on are Kali Mur and Ferrum Phos (known as potassium chloride and iron phosphate respectively). If you want to learn more about cells salts we have more blogs part 1 and part 2 and an in depth e-course, do at your own pace from the comfort of your own home.

Note check with a qualified nutrition practitioner about taking cod liver oil, as it is contra-indicated in certain situations and/or alongside certain medications.

Rapid Relief Homeopathy is wonderful for managing acute symptoms and there are several homeopathic remedies that will help, you just have to match the remedy to YOUR child’s symptoms.

Remedies include Aconite, Apis, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Euphrasia, Gelsenium, Pulsatilla and Sulphur. So I will give you just a little tip on which remedies can help depending on the specific symptoms. Remember each measles case can present itself differently and therefore you match the remedy accordingly to the presenting symptoms.

We also have a starters course, that teaches you how to use homeopathy in the home check it out HERE, the advanced course will be coming in February, so if you are keen to dive deeper then do sign up to our newsletter HERE to be notified.

Here is a quick overview of the remedies (for further information see later)

Common cold symptoms with the measles – Arsenicum, Euphrasia, Pulsatilla

Cough with the measles – Aconite, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Euphrasia, Pulsatilla, Sulphur

Eye symptoms with the measles – Apis, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Euphrasia, Pulsatilla

Fever with the measles – Aconite, Apis, Belladonna, Bryonia, Gelsenium, Sulphur

A headache with the measles – Belladonna, Bryonia, Gelsenium

Managing Measles


Burning rash – Aconite, Arsenicum Album, Belladonna, Sulphur

Hot rash – Belladonna

Itching rash – Aconite, Belladonna, Sulphur

Red rash – Belladonna, Sulphur

If measles came on suddenly – Aconite, Belladonna

If measles came on slowly – Bryonia, Gelsenium

So once you have ticked off which of the above symptoms are specific to your child then read the below to decide which remedy to use…REMEMBER you change the remedy if the symptoms change, so if the cough clears it is no use to continue giving Aconite for example, change the remedy if needed or allow your child to rest.

Aconite: this tends to be a dry barking cough and an itching, burning rash and the child tends to be restless, anxious and frightened.

Apis: if there is swelling, like puffy eyes, puffy face this is the remedy, the child may be quite irritable and restless

Arsenicum: blackish colour to the rash, digestive symptoms such as diarrhoea, anxiety and restlessness. Clear, watery discharge from eyes and nose that have a burning sensation.

Belladonna: tend to have glassy eyes, dilated pupils, rather ‘angry’, thirsty, extremely hot and sweaty. a throbbing headache can have hot head and face with cold hands and feet, sensitive to bright light. Delirious with the fever

Bryonia: dry hard cough that can cause the child to bend in pain. Irritable may tell you to ‘go away’. Feels worse for moving such as a headache is worse for moving, drowsy most of the time.

Euphrasia: eyes and nose stream, red eyes, and they may have deep aching bones, cough that is loose with catarrh. Key here is red eyes, conjunctivitis.

Gelsenium: they tend to have droopy eyes, very weak, tired and chilly, trembling. The actual development of the disease takes time, such as rash appears a little later than ‘standard’ day or two

Pulsatilla: thick discharge from the eyes, tends to be green. The child is clingy and won’t let you leave them alone in the room

Sulphur: Symptoms tend to be worse about 11am, can be weak and tired. Intolerable itching of the skin. May keep belching and it smells of rotten eggs

Remember best is to ensure your child is resting and drinking. If you have any concerns contact your health care practitioner.

Learn how to use homeopathy in the comfort of your home HERE.

Homeopathic kits/remedies can be ordered from Homeopathic Pharmacies such as Ainsworth, Helios and Nelsons in the UK. In other parts of the world locate a homeopathic pharmacy to ensure you are getting the 'real deal'.

"these two webinars have given me so much information and I have done other courses, I love how nutrition is combined along with some cell salts. The stories also bring this course alive. Doing this Rapid Relief Homeopathy course, has gotten rid of my families flu within days, rather than going on for weeks. My father who is 77yr is now a believer. I can't wait for the advanced course". Hilery

To Wholeness!

From the team at the New School Of Nutritional Medicine.

Learn about the Founder & Principal of the New School of Nutritional Medicine, Dr Khush Mark PhD HERE.

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