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Wild Fires: Homeopathy and Naturopathic Support

Updated: Jan 11

Our prayers go out to everyone who have been affected and are being affected by the fires, across the world.

We hope the information on this page will help those who are struggling in these times.

The homeopathic remedies can be used for humans of all ages, from pregnancy, to babies to older adults and also for al the animals.


Liposomal glutathione (250mg per day) or N-Acetlycholine Choline (NAC, 500mg per day). NAC if used to make glutathione, so one or the other will help, just that some people may have issues converting NAC to liposomal glutathione.

Vitamin C in form of ascorbic acid (1000mg per day) whilst in intense periods of smoke exposure, then switch to Camu Camu (0.5 -1.0 teaspoon per day) or Cherry acerola (1/4 -1/2 teaspoon daily) or Amla (Indian gooseberry 1.0 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon). Start low and build up and maintain a dose for few months.

Tumeric with black pepper (curcumin 95%, 1000mg per day) take daily to support overall inflammatory response from the fire/smoke.

Infusions: Make infusions such as dandelion and burdock for the liver and gall bladder to help with detox. Passiflora and/or chamomille for the nervous system. Bbuchu buch, cornsilk and horsetail for the kidneys. And for the lungs, thyme, mullein leaf and eucalyptus leaves.





After trauma, accident, fall, muscle strain or sprain. After blast shock, strong fright, even open injury.  After head trauma with loss of memory or loss of consciousness. After a terrifying attack, a shooting attack. For Shock, even years after it.


No response after the incident. He just sits there and says nothing. forgetful, confused. Pale. Lack of reaction with sleepiness and numbness emotionally. Cannot urinate OR the opposite, over-excited, laughing, hyper and insomnia


After sudden fright, unexpected shock. Fearful, seem shocked. Flushed, red, very tense. Jump from the slightest noise, from sirens. Wants open-air, fresh-air. Needs to be covered with a blanket feel worse from cold. 


Almost paralysed. weakness leading to paralysis on all levels. Feels they cannot cope with daily life`s demands, too weak. Anxiety and anticipation before everything. Always afraid that something is going to happen.  Desire to be quiet, to be left alone. Avoid people and the distress of life.  Will not leave the house: Fear of crowds, of big places, of people, something bad is going to happen.  Occipital headache (back of the head). Everything is better by urinating. 


Grief after a loss. Can appear stoic or controlled on the surface while deeply suffering inside. Emotionally volatile, can change rapidly, swinging between laughter and tears. They may feel cheerful one moment and profoundly sad or irritable the next. They may avoid crying or showing vulnerability in front of others, even though they are overwhelmed internally. Repeated, deep sighs as a physical expression of suppressed grief. A feeling of a "lump in the throat" that cannot be swallowed. There may be sobbing, sighing or if emotions are being 'controlled/held in' there maybe trembling.

For the emotions, dosing can be 10M potency every day until feel an emotional shift.


For physical symptoms can take 30c or 200c, twice a day until symptoms improve.

Sulphuric Acid

A remedy for polluted air inhalation, burning pain in the respiratory tract, especially in the throat, chest, or airways. Sensation often feels corrosive or as if the mucous membranes (lining of the nasal passage, throat, lungs, eyes) are raw and irritated. Respiration is arrested with a cough. Becoming asthmatic, stertorous (noisy, laboured breathing), rattling and superficial.


Breathing becomes bad after the fires, after smoke inhalation in a fire. . Shortness of breath or a sensation of tightness in the chest. Difficulty taking deep breaths due to irritation or inflammation in the airways. For those whose vocal cords have been affected by smoke, leading to hoarseness or a strained voice. Supports the body’s ability to clear toxins from the lungs and airways after smoke inhalation. Eucalyptus oxygenates the system and improves the lungs. It can help alleviate lingering fatigue or heaviness caused by exposure to fire smoke.

Agate (Botswana)

Helps in the re-oxygenation of lungs. Help the lungs clear toxins and support respiratory recovery. They feel as though they cannot get enough air or experience tightness or restriction in the chest, Useful for shortness of breath associated with emotional suppression or grief.

Cassia sofora:

Becoming asthmatic or having difficult breathing after dust or ash inhalation, esp. with the weather changing to cold!! Accompanied with nasal discharge. Angry and very worried about the future (fear of losing home). Might develop fear in the dark and seeing ghosts. Or fear of heart attack, suicidal thoughts, wanting to walk in the open air. Weepy. 

Arsenicum Album

For smoke exposure with anxiety. Eyes burn and stream. Nose burns and streams. Cough is dry and worse at night. Tremendous anxiety especially about what is going to happen— often cold. Often accompanied with tremendous restlessness – they walk to and fro. Des sweets – it comfort them  

Carbo Vegetabilis

Wheezing, coughing with burning in the chest. Short of breath. Oxygen starvation. Must be fanned. Hoarseness. Cough with itching in larynx. Sore and raw chest. Rattling of mucus in chest. Exhausted, weak. Cold clammy skin, cold breath. Better: cool air. Worse: evenings, open air, warm damp weather. • 


Hoarseness with pain in chest. Larynx sore. Cough with raw soreness of chest. Cough causes pain that extends. Better drinking cold water. Pain in chest with palpitation. Cannot lie down at night. 

Euphorbium officinarum

Breathing oppressed, as if chest were not wide enough. Spasmodic dry cough, day and night, with asthma. Violent, fluent coryza, with a burning cough. Constant cough, with stitches from pit of stomach to sides of chest. Dry, hollow cough. Warm feeling in chest.  • 

Kali bichromicum

Serious smoke exposure with irritated sinuses and/or lungs. Nose is blocked–nasal discharge is dry or comes out in sticky or stringy “plugs.” Sinuses are sore, raw, irritated, and painful.  Cough is painful, and chest is sore. Mucus coughed up with difficulty and is scanty, sticky, or stringy.  

For physical symptoms can take 30c or 200c until symptoms improve.



Minor, superficial burns. Calendula can help prevent pus formation, if used in early stages.

Urtica Urens

A remedy for minor burns. Burns and scalds with burning, itching and stinging, prickly sensation. Can also be applied topically.


Shock from the burn and also may say 'I am fine' but can see they are not fine and have burned themselves, they do not want to be 'fussed' over/approached.

Arsenicum Album

First degree burn. Swelling, burning , lacinating pains. Flesh can turn black. Restless and anxious.. Utter weakness that seems out of proportion to the 'injury'. Fears death.


Generally for third degree burns. However, can use it in minor burns where the pain is unbearable. Blisters, ulceration of the skin. Rawness, burning, better for applying something cold. Can also use as lotion/ointment. Epilepsy or tetanic convulsions and/or coma.


Severe burns, painful, raw. Whole person is affected mentally and physically by the burns.

Again can take 30c, and/or some can be applied topically such as Arnica (as long as skin not broken), calendula, urtica and cantharis.

Sending prayers to everyone

From the team at the New School Of Nutritional Medicine

Learn about the Founder & Principal of the New School of Nutritional Medicine, Dr Khush Mark PhD HERE.



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